I questioned the Government on its total failure to negotiate a deal with the EU. It is clear the Home Office refused to grant EU citizens 90 day Permitted Paid Engagement. Touring musicians and creative artists have just been sacrificed on the altar of Tory immigration policy

My Lords, touring musicians and creative artists are deeply angry at this negotiating failure. Is not the root of the problem refusal by the Home Office to extend permitted paid engagement here to 90 days for EU artists, meaning as a result that work permits will now be required in many member states for our artists? Will the Government urgently rethink this and renegotiate on the instrument and equipment carnet and on trucking issues?
31st January 2016
Lord C-J calls for Action on Creative Skills
18th July 2015
Lord C-J debates the future of the BBC
29th December 2014
Lord C-J urges better filtering for minors by Public Wifi providers
12th December 2014
Lord C-J argues for ticket abuse legislation
13th September 2014