Lord C-J calls for action on AI regulation and data rights in Kings Speech Debate

I want to start on a positive note by celebrating the recent Royal Assent of the…

Lords call for action on Digital Exclusion

The House of Lords recently debated the Report of the Communication and Digital…

Response to AI White paper falls short.

This is my reaction to the government's AI White Papert response which broadly…

Lord C-J: We Must Regulate AI before AGI arrives

The House of Lords recently debated the development of advanced artificial…

A long way off a Science and Technology Superpower

This is an  extended version of a speech I made in a recent debate held in the Lords…

The long-awaited AI Governance White Paper falls far short of what is needed

The Government's AI Governance White Paper : A Pro Innovation to AI…

Common Ethics and Standards and Compatible Regulation will let responsible AI Flourish

This is the talk I gave at the opening of the excellent Portraits of AI Leadership…

Lord C-J at the Piccaso Data Privacy Awards

I recently attended and spoke at the inaugural Piccaso Data Privacy awards…

It’s time to have a moratorium on Live Facial Recognition use

We recently debated the recommendations of the  Lords Justice and Home Affairs…

AI Governance: Science and Technology Committee launches enquiry

The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee has launched an inquiry into…

Lord C-J at OECD : Mixed evidence on UK AI Governance

I recently attended a meeting of the OECD Global Parliamentary Network Group on…

How to Make the UK the Best Place in the World for Artificial Intelligence.

I recently gave a talk at a meeting of members of The Entrepreneurs Network. This is…

Lord C-J says Ministers must ensure the multi-billion pound fashion industry industry is not put at risk

This is a piece I recently did for the House Magazine: ‘From fashion to…

Lord C-J helps launch the 2017 Live Music Census Report

I recently helped to launch the excellent Report on the 2017 Live Music Census…

Stay in the Single Market and Keep the Country of Origin Principle says Lord C-J

I asked the Government this week what assessment they have made of the ability of…

Lord C-J Calls for Action on Museum Finance

In a speech in the House of Lords recently I highlighted the problems faced by…

Brexit: Why Freedom of Movement Restrictions Will Impact on the Creative Industries

Here is a piece I wrote for the House Magazine recently. Freedom of Movement and the…

Libs Dem Demand Top Table for Creative Industries

The Lib Dem DCMS Team recently led a debate on the impact of Brexit on the Creative…

Peers criticize Ebacc

In a debate initiated by Lib Dem President Baroness Sal Brinton Peers, including…

Lord C-J calls for restriction on PSPO’s

Back in the Summer buskers, civil liberty campaigners and many others protested…

Lord C-J: Blueprint for Creative Industries needed post Brexit vote

I am seriously concerned like many others for the future of the creative industries…

Lord C-J promotes Agent of Change amendment to save Live Music Venues

Following my debate on the future of threatened live music venues last December, on…

Lord C-J calls for Action on Creative Skills

On the 28th January 2016 the Lords held a debate on Adult Education and the Skills…

How Does London Become the new Silicon Valley?

I recently gave a speech at Kings College Student Think Tank on the subject of how…

Nothing found.

Lord C-J : Marking International Women’s Day and the Need for Free Speech

Recently I took part in the House of Lords Debate to note of International…

Lib Dems back new policy on Democracy and Public Debate

At our recent conference the Party backed a new policy paper on Democracy and…

To Save Democracy We Must Tackle Dis- and Misinformation Online

Recently the House of Lords debated the Report "Digital Technology and the…

The Road to Trustworthy Use of Healthcare Data: Good Governance and a Sovereign Health Fund

I recently did a Guest blog for Future Care Capital  on Data in the Health and Care…

Report of the Joint Committee on the Online Draft Bill: New offences and tighter rules

After 4 months work the Joint Select Committee on the Draft Online Safety Bill, with…

Ingredients for good higher education governance

I was recently asked by Advance HE to do a short piece reflecting on governance in…

Lord C-J: Why We Should Support Baroness Kidron’s Age Assurance Bill

I recently wound up a debate in the House of Lords on the Second Reading of Baroness…

Digital ID: What’s the current state-of-play in the UK?

Here is a summary report by techUK of a really useful session discussing the…

These are the ingredients for good higher education governance

I recently took part in a session on "Higher education governance - the challenges…

Shirley Williams 1930-2021

So sad to lose Shirley Williams, such a warm, principled and inspiring political…

The Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum: Priorities for UK Digital Regulation

https://www.aldes.org.uk/the-drcf-priorities-for-uk-digital-regulation/ Last…